In Memory Fuzzer

If you already know what is in-memory-fuzzing and has figured out what this blog post is […]

Reversing Encrypted Files

Scenario You are given an unknown file format containing sensitive information. You have access to the […]

Windows Mobile/ UWP

Quick set of notes from UWP/Windows mobile assessment Proxying I was stumped for a significant period […]

Mainframe CICS

On thick client tests, you might often encounter fundamentally insecure design such as a thick client […]

Binary Code Reuse

 This is a stub for something more detailed that I want to write. Code-reuse in thick […]

Android Riddle

Here is a riddle: Based on application logs, you find that the android application you are […]

Attacking Dicom

Quick notes fromattacking dicom on a short engagement. DICOM defines standards for storing, transmitting, compressing and […]